
Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

We are all so much more than we know; and instead of having to remember what has been forgotten, our mission is to ensure our children grow up empowered in their sense of agency and sovereignty, deeply connected to Source. In this video, Dr. Edith Ubuntu and I talk about the Luminous beings that are under our stewardship and how we can best be of service. I think ALL children are Luminous Beings. This is exemplified in many of the ways we humans manifest. For instance, Dr. E shares her conscious conceptions and how being deeply attuned to her children, she becomes the conduit for change in service of our Luminous Little Humans. It is all within us.
Her offering, Luminous Education Revolution, is a must watch for ALL PEOPLE! She offers tiered pricing so it’s accessible as well. Especially, if you are considering having a child at some point, this course is for you. The wisdom-keepers and way-showers that are featured in this course share an invitation to take a step back and consider a different perspective of life as we know it. “Normal” is not necessarily best or even good, in some cases. What can we do differently to keep manifesting and creating a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? It’s already happening and has been happening. Let’s amplify it together.


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