Shared Stories to Spark Our Remembrance.

We all have innate wisdom. My remembrance was hyper-activated when I gave birth to my child. Perhaps, you are feeling this too?

Every step of our remembrance can be inspired from anyone at any place and time. Below are the stories of wisdom-keepers and way-showers that have inspired my awakening and others. My hope is that some will resonate with you. We will all need to remember and de-program so that we can cultivate, co-create and collaborate with each other and our little beings for a more beautiful world…where all beings are respected Especially, that our children know, from the time they are born, that they matter.

Meet our Wisdom-Keepers

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  • What Does it Mean to Be Wholly Nourished?
    • 9/5/24

    What Does it Mean to Be Wholly Nourished?

    In this interview, Katrina McGiffin of Nourish and Be shares with us how she takes her clients on a journey to become wholly nourished in our body, mind and soul. Her work encompasses looking at the subtle layers in our energy fields beyond just the physical as those are the layers that could very likely be what is causing the physical ailment. Her work is rooted in the interconnectedness of all things and can reveal the soul's deepest desire for its Earth journey so that we can lived fully aligned with our truth, in greater flow and ease.

  • Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
    • 8/11/24

    Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

    We are all so much more than we know; and instead of having to remember what has been forgotten, our mission is to ensure our children grow up empowered in their sense of agency and sovereignty, deeply connected to Source. In this video, Dr. Edith Ubuntu and I talk about the Luminous beings that are under our stewardship and how we can best be of service. I think ALL children are Luminous Beings. This is exemplified in many of the ways we humans manifest. For instance, Dr. E shares her conscious conceptions and how being deeply attuned to her children, she becomes the conduit for change in service of our Luminous Little Humans. It is all within us.
    Her offering, Luminous Education Revolution, is a must watch for ALL PEOPLE! She offers tiered pricing so it’s accessible as well. Especially, if you are considering having a child at some point, this course is for you. The wisdom-keepers and way-showers that are featured in this course share an invitation to take a step back and consider a different perspective of life as we know it. “Normal” is not necessarily best or even good, in some cases. What can we do differently to keep manifesting and creating a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? It’s already happening and has been happening. Let’s amplify it together.

  • Iridology for Holistic Health Assessment with Kyle Mays
    • 7/29/24

    Iridology for Holistic Health Assessment with Kyle Mays

    In this video, Kyle Mays, Iridologist, shares how the irises can provide a complete, comprehensive overview of our health. “Condiions and accumulations that have developed through the course of life, in the way we eat, drink, exercise, feel, think, live, love and laugh are revealed as various markings in the iris, sclera, cornea, conjunctiva and pupil border.”

    In my opinion, Iridology could very well be the BEST form of optimal health management.

  • The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry
    • 4/11/24

    The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry

    This interview is dear to my heart.

    Your child is not broken – the system is.

    All the systems. In this interview with Alison Elsberry of Embodied Brilliance, Alison shares what she learned in her 20+ years as an Occupational Therapist. Some of the wisdom gained include:

    • The energetic and emotional implications of a label

    • The monetization of a child’s biology

    • Tools for empowered parenting

    • Meeting the child where they are at

    This last bullet point is what prompted Alison to leave the system so that she can wholly and holistically support babies and their families to live an embodied and empowered life.

  • The Awakened Method with Jennifer Jeffcoat
    • 1/24/24

    The Awakened Method with Jennifer Jeffcoat

    In this conversation with Jennifer Jeffcoat of Awakened Method, we talk about the seven developmental layers of human development: Self-preservation, Self-gratification, Self-definition, Self-acceptance, Self-expression, Self-reflection and Self-knowledge.

    We touch briefly on each and share how we can support the children in each of the stages. Observation is a key tool.

  • Somatic Healing and Self Love with Anna Demouchet
    • 4/9/23

    Somatic Healing and Self Love with Anna Demouchet

    In this interview, Anna Demouchet shares about the outstanding benefits of somatic healing - connecting deeply to the body, healing trauma and opening up to more love and joy.

  • Nurturing our Body Relationship with Erika Wirth
    • 12/20/22

    Nurturing our Body Relationship with Erika Wirth

    Just as with all relationships, our relationship with our own body takes work and actually reaps great benefits

  • Our Bodies as Compass with Emma Gordon
    • 10/28/22

    Our Bodies as Compass with Emma Gordon

    Emma Gordon of Body as Compass (www.bodyascompass) shares tools on regulating the nervous system to move from “fight/flight” to calm.

  • Carrie Crossman Shares How Peace is at Your Fingertips
    • 10/19/22

    Carrie Crossman Shares How Peace is at Your Fingertips

    Carrie Crossman of The Alula shares her work as a clinical EFT Practitioner

  • Accessing the Divine with Priya Jain
    • 8/14/22

    Accessing the Divine with Priya Jain

    In this interview, Priya Jain, of Seventh Chakra Institute of Spiritual Sciences, shares how to access the Divine - to hear our own inner guidance to walk into our divine path.

  • Talking Shamanic Healing and Hypnotism with Holly Marie
    • 1/17/22

    Talking Shamanic Healing and Hypnotism with Holly Marie

    Our mind is our strongest asset in all areas of life. It can transform anything. In this video Holly Marie and I discuss this and more.
  • Think Your Pain Away with Dr. David Schecter, M.D.
    • 4/14/21

    Think Your Pain Away with Dr. David Schecter, M.D.

    In this video, we chat with Dr. David Schechter, MD who specializes in MindBody Medicine. He is the author of "Think Your Pain Away" and helps people resolve...
  • Movement therapy with Tess McGinley
    • 5/3/21

    Movement therapy with Tess McGinley

    We are delighted to be introducing Tess McGinley, longtime Waldorf teacher and movement therapist. She has helped her clients to reverse chronic pain through...
  • Talking Spells aka Personal Empowerment with Jamie Della
    • 6/9/21

    Talking Spells aka Personal Empowerment with Jamie Della

    Jamie is a mama, a witch and a priestess among other things. We talk about her book, "The Book of Spells" and the magick within it. It is a starting point fo...
  • Healing through song with Anny Lieberman
    • 7/22/22

    Healing through song with Anny Lieberman

    In this video, we introduce you to Anny Lieberman. She is a singing coach extraordinaire. Through therapeutic vocal techniques, she literally supports her cl...
  • Accessing Joy with Tammy Matsumoto, Dreambuilders Life Coach
    • 7/22/22

    Accessing Joy with Tammy Matsumoto, Dreambuilders Life Coach

    In this video, I chat with Tammy Matsumoto about her work supporting others' journey to wellness - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Learn more about ...
  • Kelley Raleigh of The Kind Brain
    • 7/22/22

    Kelley Raleigh of The Kind Brain

    Kelley walks us through The Kind Brain - a brain and body spa in Los Angeles. The NeurOptimal machine can also be rented and guided remotely.