Shared Stories to Spark Our Remembrance.

We all have innate wisdom. My remembrance was hyper-activated when I gave birth to my child. Perhaps, you are feeling this too?

Every step of our remembrance can be inspired from anyone at any place and time. Below are the stories of wisdom-keepers and way-showers that have inspired my awakening and others. My hope is that some will resonate with you. We will all need to remember and de-program so that we can cultivate, co-create and collaborate with each other and our little beings for a more beautiful world…where all beings are respected Especially, that our children know, from the time they are born, that they matter.

Meet our Wisdom-Keepers

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  • Moving Through Autism with Becky Damgaard
    • 9/16/24

    Moving Through Autism with Becky Damgaard

    In this heartwarming conversation with Becky Damgaard of The Autism Treatment Center of America, she shares with us the principles of the Son Rise Program. The same principles that Barry Neil Kaufman and his wife Samahria used to reverse their child's "severe autism diagnosis". It is clear that we are working with our children all wrong. It can't continue to be an external source of solution that we seek. The child is perfect and the child lets us know exactly what he/she needs. All we have to do is listen and LOVE. To deeply love our child so that we can step away from fear (when the doctor/therapist/specialist says "you're child is severely autistic and you can expect to put him in a home by the time he's 18.") and step into Love and really seeing our child with curious eyes and a willingness to step inside their world.

  • Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
    • 8/11/24

    Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

    We are all so much more than we know; and instead of having to remember what has been forgotten, our mission is to ensure our children grow up empowered in their sense of agency and sovereignty, deeply connected to Source. In this video, Dr. Edith Ubuntu and I talk about the Luminous beings that are under our stewardship and how we can best be of service. I think ALL children are Luminous Beings. This is exemplified in many of the ways we humans manifest. For instance, Dr. E shares her conscious conceptions and how being deeply attuned to her children, she becomes the conduit for change in service of our Luminous Little Humans. It is all within us.
    Her offering, Luminous Education Revolution, is a must watch for ALL PEOPLE! She offers tiered pricing so it’s accessible as well. Especially, if you are considering having a child at some point, this course is for you. The wisdom-keepers and way-showers that are featured in this course share an invitation to take a step back and consider a different perspective of life as we know it. “Normal” is not necessarily best or even good, in some cases. What can we do differently to keep manifesting and creating a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? It’s already happening and has been happening. Let’s amplify it together.

  • Iridology for Holistic Health Assessment with Kyle Mays
    • 7/29/24

    Iridology for Holistic Health Assessment with Kyle Mays

    In this video, Kyle Mays, Iridologist, shares how the irises can provide a complete, comprehensive overview of our health. “Condiions and accumulations that have developed through the course of life, in the way we eat, drink, exercise, feel, think, live, love and laugh are revealed as various markings in the iris, sclera, cornea, conjunctiva and pupil border.”

    In my opinion, Iridology could very well be the BEST form of optimal health management.

  • Self Directed Learning Testimonial with Bruce Gates
    • 6/11/24

    Self Directed Learning Testimonial with Bruce Gates

    I am so delighted to be sharing this conversation that I had with Bruce Gates, DC, father of eight children that he allowed the freedom to live and learn without cultural/societal/government intervention.

    And since probably a majority of people watching this might be so curious to know what each one ended up doing, here’s the rundown:

    Bruce D. Gates - worked at Disney for 20+years, then recruited to consult for Deloit

    Eric Gates - Self employed, real estate, dog walker, caregiver.

    Matthew Gates - Teaches English in Nagoya, Japan. Journeyman carpenter, UofO grad in language, Japanese.

    Ariel Gates - Certified chef, Portland School of Culinary Arts.

    Chenille Gates - Retired. Disabled, owns her home in Springield, OR.

    Rainsong Gates - Self employed, service provider, caregiver, UofO grad, Ecology.

    Rhea Gates - Caregiver, UofO grad, Journalism

    Rhys Gates - Roseburg Lumber, admin, finance. UofO grad, Master, Business

    Shea Gates - OCCU credit union, Entrepreneur, UofO grad Business

    Notice - FIVE of them did go to college and it was not a problem at all to get in. The moral of the story here is, You do not need to go through 12 years of compulsory “school” in order to get to college. And, actually, one does not need to go to college to “succeed”.

    Bruce and his wife offer mentoring services at Tao Farm Consulting.

  • The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry
    • 4/11/24

    The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry

    This interview is dear to my heart.

    Your child is not broken – the system is.

    All the systems. In this interview with Alison Elsberry of Embodied Brilliance, Alison shares what she learned in her 20+ years as an Occupational Therapist. Some of the wisdom gained include:

    • The energetic and emotional implications of a label

    • The monetization of a child’s biology

    • Tools for empowered parenting

    • Meeting the child where they are at

    This last bullet point is what prompted Alison to leave the system so that she can wholly and holistically support babies and their families to live an embodied and empowered life.

  • Awakened Method Testimonial with Alpine Village School
    • 3/19/24

    Awakened Method Testimonial with Alpine Village School

    We recently shared an interview with Jennifer Jeffcoat of Awakened Method who created a whole program for adults and children for somatic xperiential learning and somatic experiential teaching facilitator training. In this video, Kiely Modiri of Alpine Village School, and Jennifer give us greater insight of what Somatic Experiential Learning looks like and the positive outcomes for the children.

  • The Awakened Method with Jennifer Jeffcoat
    • 1/24/24

    The Awakened Method with Jennifer Jeffcoat

    In this conversation with Jennifer Jeffcoat of Awakened Method, we talk about the seven developmental layers of human development: Self-preservation, Self-gratification, Self-definition, Self-acceptance, Self-expression, Self-reflection and Self-knowledge.

    We touch briefly on each and share how we can support the children in each of the stages. Observation is a key tool.

  • Getting Off the Hamster Wheel with June Farahan
    • 12/29/23

    Getting Off the Hamster Wheel with June Farahan

    In this testimonial conversation that I share with June Farahan, a mom, she shares her experience navigating the medical and educational industrial complexes for a year (the year her child was between the ages of 2 and 3) that pulled her into the depths of despair convincing her that her child had a problem, that his development was "delayed".

    Through her research of all the factors the medical professionals were advising, engaging in some of them and actually seeing that they were, in fact, not beneficial in any way to her son's development, and he was having such an intense negative reaction to the therapies, she decided to hit the PAUSE button and stopped participating in the hamster wheel of negativity and fear. When she did that, her head began to clear and she was able to reverse her perception of her son from one with a critical eye to seeing him through the lens of unconditional love. Seeing him as the little human in front of her with his very own unique gifts and capacities. And now, without any medical or authoritarian interventions, her son is thriving. She shares her story here in the hopes of helping other families who have been made to feel helpless and hopeless. She continues to share her experience and research via her substack articles.

  • Deconstructing the Parenting Path with Leah McDermott
    • 11/26/23

    Deconstructing the Parenting Path with Leah McDermott

    A large part of parenting includes our child’s “education” path. In this provocative conversation that I share with Leah McDermott, Founder of Bridge Academy, we take a good hard look at the current industrial education system and question its merits. We share lived experiences of what learning actually looks like. The system is broken and Bridge Academy offers a bridge to the new.

  • Soul Qualities of Child Development, 7-9 Years with Wild Mother Collective
    • 8/24/23

    Soul Qualities of Child Development, 7-9 Years with Wild Mother Collective

    In this fourth installment of our six-part series, Soul Qualities of Child Development with Wild Mother Collective, Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer move us from looking at the “will” and “doing” way of being that is prevalent up to around age 6 to moving into the realm of emotion and an “awakening”, a “loss of innocence” as we move into the 7-9 year range. They are moving from a “oneness “ into a sense of “otherness”, a separateness that can create fear and anxiety. What can that look like for us as parents and guides? We share about this in our conversation.

    If you have more questions after watching our interview, please feel free to contact Michelle and Emily here. They are your tribe!

  • Wild Mother Collective Shares the Soul Qualities of Childhood: 3-6 Years
    • 8/21/23

    Wild Mother Collective Shares the Soul Qualities of Childhood: 3-6 Years

    In this third installment of our six-part series covering the Soul Qualities of Child Development with Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer of Wild Mother Collective, we continue our dive into the interconnected beingness in which the earlier part of this age range still finds themselves. They are still part of the collective whole. What does that mean for us as parents and guides? Have a listen to find out.

    Have questions after watching this interview? Feel free to drop your questions here. Or, contact Emily and Michelle directly here.

  • Soul Qualities of Development, 1 1/2 Years to 3 Years
    • 7/19/23

    Soul Qualities of Development, 1 1/2 Years to 3 Years

    This is the second video of a six-part series we recorded with Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer of Wild Mother Collective looking at the soul qualities of development for children from birth to age 21. In this video, we cover the age range from 1 1/2 years to 3 years.

    For all six interviews, please feel free to visit our YouTube channel - Perfect Child Collective.

  • Soul Qualities of Development, Birth to 1 1/2 Years
    • 7/19/23

    Soul Qualities of Development, Birth to 1 1/2 Years

    In this first video of a six-part series with Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer of Wild Mother Collective, we look at the soul qualities of development from birth to 1 1/2 years.

    For the full six-part series, jump over to our YouTube channel - Perfect Child Collective

  • Parenting Bravely with Dr. Paul
    • 6/18/23

    Parenting Bravely with Dr. Paul

    In this video, Dr. Paul and I discuss the findings of the study that he conducted with his own patients over a course of years, looking at over 3000 subjects. He shares why despite having written the book “The Va$$ine Friendly Plan”, he doesn’t believe there is one. Here are graphs of the results of his study.

    He has retired as a practicing pediatrician. He can be found on his podcast at and as a coach on

  • Addressing the Root of Trauma To Access More Conscious Parenting
    • 1/17/23

    Addressing the Root of Trauma To Access More Conscious Parenting

    “Holly released for me what years of talk therapy could not.” - Jessica Kaplan, client

  • The Truth About Developmental Milestones
    • 11/13/22

    The Truth About Developmental Milestones

    The Truth About Developmental Milestones - Forget about the mainstream developmental milestones that your doctors will try to talk to you about. Gain a heart-centered perspective of child development so that you and your child can develop in peace and reverence to the human body and its fullest potential.

  • Baby's Core Basic Needs with Ruth Beaglehole
    • 9/28/22

    Baby's Core Basic Needs with Ruth Beaglehole

    Core Basic Needs - Connection, Warmth, to feel Felt, to feel a sense of Belonging

  • Embracing the Sweet Journey of Motherhood with Wild Mother Collective
    • 9/16/22

    Embracing the Sweet Journey of Motherhood with Wild Mother Collective

    The journey of Motherhood certainly IS wild and sometimes we need to get wild together to find ourselves, hence Wild Mother Collective.

  • Parenting with Nonviolence from founder Ruth Beaglehole
    • 4/27/21

    Parenting with Nonviolence from founder Ruth Beaglehole

    What does it mean to love children well? It means we need to dispose of the "power over" paradigm. For over 50 years, Ruth Beaglehole has worked from the con...
  • How to Connect with the Young Child with Stephen Spitalny
    • 4/14/21

    How to Connect with the Young Child with Stephen Spitalny

    This is our intro video to Stephen Spitalny, long time Waldorf Kindergarten teacher at the Santa Cruz Waldorf School and early childhood consultant. We asked...
  • Art therapy with Erica Curtis
    • 4/27/21

    Art therapy with Erica Curtis

    Art absolutely can be used as a communication tool with adolescents! We talk about this and more with Erica Curtis, a board certified art therapist and licen...
  • Storytelling with April Mann
    • 4/29/21

    Storytelling with April Mann

    Who is the wunderkind behind April Eight Songs & Stories, a longstanding podcast filled to the brim with charming stories and songs about sparkling fairies, ...
  • Navigating Adolescence with Jenna Dalton of Acoustic Vitality
    • 11/2/21

    Navigating Adolescence with Jenna Dalton of Acoustic Vitality

    In this intro video, Jenna Dalton of Acoustic Vitality shares about how she connects with adolescents and helps them to connect with themselves, their intuit...
  • Clutter free parenting with Laura Forbes Carlin
    • 5/4/21

    Clutter free parenting with Laura Forbes Carlin

    Our homes can serve as meaningful channels for cultivating happiness, peace and purpose. Laura Forbes Carlin, along with her sister, Allison Forbes Van Hook ...