Biofield balancing for health and healing.

Energy Healing for a More Balanced You

Whether you are experiencing an acute or chronic ailment, PureBioenergy can support your body’s self-healing capacity to come to balance and wholeness.

Everything that is alive pulsates with energy. The human body is surrounded by an energy field that extends as far out as our outstretched arms and the full length of our body. It is both an information center and a highly sensitive perceptual system. Our health is a culmination of our senses and experiences. The information of balance can be restored through energy work that works directly with the body’s innate intelligence to address its own known imbalances.

PureBioenergy therapy facilitates the highest level of healing and treats about anything, from simple aches to chronic and more serious ailments: all forms of arthritis, thyroid imbalance, headaches, migraines, digestive issues, autism, female related problems, prostate, Alzheimer, heart conditions, stroke, depression, eyes, MS, Parkinson’s, tumors, chronic pains, stress, hemorrhoids, blood diseases, auto-immune related, and so on…

You heal YOU. Let PureBioenergy support the process.

  • "By the time our first session was complete, I regained levels of mobility I hadn’t experienced in years!"

    - Kenya Strong

  • "I had a problem with some eczema and found much relief after many months of trying several ointments and prescriptions but seemed to get the best results with the sessions I had with Belinda."

    - Peter J.

  • "Since our work together, my occipital tension has released and subsequently my left face and eye tingling has subsided. What a relief! No prescription medications needed!"

    - Lori L.

  • "Much of the unexplained swelling in my legs, that I have struggled with for nearly 4 years, has dissipated since my treatment."

    - Laura O.

Choose Vitality

If pain or dis-ease is weighing you or your child down, PureBioenergy is a non-medical therapy that offers a very simple approach to any health concern with remarkable results.

Most symptoms are a result of an imbalance in the biofield. PureBioenergy is energy healing that supports the body in balancing the biofield for optimum health and healing of specific conditions.

Four consecutive days. Approximately 15-20 mins each day.

Can be done in-person or remote.

PureBioenergy is a non-medical therapy that offers a very simple approach to your health concern with remarkable results.

There are no needles, manipulation of bones, mantras, visualization, meditation or other support systems involved. This healing modality is energy work in its purest form, hands-on, gentle and non-invasive, beneficial to everyone, from children to animals.