Honor the child

Honor the Child

PERFECT CHILD’S mission is to change the paradigm of childhood Such that every child is met with reverence and there is an eagerness to learn from them.

The mainstream approach to childhood and child development is very mechanistic and ignores the child’s individual soul capacities. The systems actually disconnect the child from their intuition and Spirit.

If you’re here, you’ve probably experienced an inner nudging that what you are being told about your child does not feel right.

We are a resource to support you on your path of discovery - as you discover your child’s light. Perhaps you’ll also discover your own inner child’s light and be curious to remember your own wisdom and connection to Spirit.

As parents, we are meant to honor our child’s unique soul capacities; inviting their wisdom to shine and their beings to soar.

The purpose of our content is to ignite your own remembrance of the wisdom that already lives within you.

Jump to our blog page for content that empowers and inspires.

Discover our Wisdom-keepers that share their gifts and stories to enliven a more centered, joyful connected you.

Can’t find what you are seeking? Reach out.

Bring your ideas and your queries, let’s dive into Extraordinary together.

About the Founder

Hi! I’m Belinda and I founded Perfect Child because I feel deeply that change only comes when every child is made to feel like they matter.I believe, as parents, we are here to co-create, not dominate.

The world can be beautifully transformed by the new souls coming in so long as we can pave a path. I am sharing my journey of stepping in synch with my child and others’ journeys because I want to empower parents to support their children (and themselves) and step away from the systems that only seek to profit from our child’s biology.

My own parenting journey thus far has required me to dig deep, to be brave and trust my child’s wisdom. It’s required me to de-program from cultural and societal expectations and to tune out the nay-sayers. This is easier done when we have a support system. My hope is that this community becomes your support system. I hope you’ll stay awhile!