Shared Stories to Spark Our Remembrance.

We all have innate wisdom. My remembrance was hyper-activated when I gave birth to my child. Perhaps, you are feeling this too?

Every step of our remembrance can be inspired from anyone at any place and time. Below are the stories of wisdom-keepers and way-showers that have inspired my awakening and others. My hope is that some will resonate with you. We will all need to remember and de-program so that we can cultivate, co-create and collaborate with each other and our little beings for a more beautiful world…where all beings are respected Especially, that our children know, from the time they are born, that they matter.

Meet our Wisdom-Keepers

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  • Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
    • 8/11/24

    Meeting Our Luminous Kids with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

    We are all so much more than we know; and instead of having to remember what has been forgotten, our mission is to ensure our children grow up empowered in their sense of agency and sovereignty, deeply connected to Source. In this video, Dr. Edith Ubuntu and I talk about the Luminous beings that are under our stewardship and how we can best be of service. I think ALL children are Luminous Beings. This is exemplified in many of the ways we humans manifest. For instance, Dr. E shares her conscious conceptions and how being deeply attuned to her children, she becomes the conduit for change in service of our Luminous Little Humans. It is all within us.
    Her offering, Luminous Education Revolution, is a must watch for ALL PEOPLE! She offers tiered pricing so it’s accessible as well. Especially, if you are considering having a child at some point, this course is for you. The wisdom-keepers and way-showers that are featured in this course share an invitation to take a step back and consider a different perspective of life as we know it. “Normal” is not necessarily best or even good, in some cases. What can we do differently to keep manifesting and creating a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? It’s already happening and has been happening. Let’s amplify it together.

  • Advocating for the Mama in a Hospital Birth
    • 5/7/24

    Advocating for the Mama in a Hospital Birth

    There is so much that happens in a birthing event. It’s not a secret that within the hospital setting, the experience can be very mechanistic because that is how it is set up. They need to get through the process because they probably have 10 more right after yours and probably had 10 before yours. However, many people still do feel safer giving birth in a hospital setting and that is okay! Because we have doulas that can advocate for us and educate us on all the things so that we remember that we have a choice in all scenarios.

    In this conversation that I have with Rebecca Durlin Smith of Birth First Doulas, she shares how doulas support families to have empowered birthing experiences. Doulas can educate mamas and partners about all the tools that are offered from epidurals to pitocin to the manipulations that happen to the baby once born - they will share the pros and cons of all so that parents can make informed decisions with a clear mind before the baby comes.

    It was nice to learn that Oregon hospitals and birthing centers are a lot more baby-friendly than other hospitals. Watch our video to learn what that means!

  • The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry
    • 4/11/24

    The Psychology of a Label with Alison Elsberry

    This interview is dear to my heart.

    Your child is not broken – the system is.

    All the systems. In this interview with Alison Elsberry of Embodied Brilliance, Alison shares what she learned in her 20+ years as an Occupational Therapist. Some of the wisdom gained include:

    • The energetic and emotional implications of a label

    • The monetization of a child’s biology

    • Tools for empowered parenting

    • Meeting the child where they are at

    This last bullet point is what prompted Alison to leave the system so that she can wholly and holistically support babies and their families to live an embodied and empowered life.

  • The Fourth Trimester with Nicole Longmire, MPH, MEd, IBCLC
    • 2/26/24

    The Fourth Trimester with Nicole Longmire, MPH, MEd, IBCLC

    “Your baby does not know it’s been born yet.” Whoa…In this conversation with Nicole Longmire of Mother Nurture Lactation Services, she shares all about the fourth trimester. We really need to be changing the way we support mothers after giving birth. She is still an extension of the baby and her body provides for all of baby’s needs - warmth, constant nourishment, movement, closeness.

  • Soul Qualities of Development, Birth to 1 1/2 Years
    • 7/19/23

    Soul Qualities of Development, Birth to 1 1/2 Years

    In this first video of a six-part series with Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer of Wild Mother Collective, we look at the soul qualities of development from birth to 1 1/2 years.

    For the full six-part series, jump over to our YouTube channel - Perfect Child Collective

  • Parenting Bravely with Dr. Paul
    • 6/18/23

    Parenting Bravely with Dr. Paul

    In this video, Dr. Paul and I discuss the findings of the study that he conducted with his own patients over a course of years, looking at over 3000 subjects. He shares why despite having written the book “The Va$$ine Friendly Plan”, he doesn’t believe there is one. Here are graphs of the results of his study.

    He has retired as a practicing pediatrician. He can be found on his podcast at and as a coach on

  • The Truth About Developmental Milestones
    • 11/13/22

    The Truth About Developmental Milestones

    The Truth About Developmental Milestones - Forget about the mainstream developmental milestones that your doctors will try to talk to you about. Gain a heart-centered perspective of child development so that you and your child can develop in peace and reverence to the human body and its fullest potential.

  • Connected birthing with Katie Hamilton
    • 5/24/21

    Connected birthing with Katie Hamilton

    "The whole point of woman-centered birth is the knowledge that a woman is the birth power source. She may need, and deserve, help, but in essence, she always...