
Moving Through Autism with Becky Damgaard

In this heartwarming conversation with Becky Damgaard of The Autism Treatment Center of America, she shares with us the principles of the Son Rise Program. The same principles that Barry Neil Kaufman and his wife Samahria used to reverse their child's "severe autism diagnosis". It is clear that we are working with our children all wrong. It can't continue to be an external source of solution that we seek. The child is perfect and the child lets us know exactly what he/she needs. All we have to do is listen and LOVE. To deeply love our child so that we can step away from fear (when the doctor/therapist/specialist says "you're child is severely autistic and you can expect to put him in a home by the time he's 18.") and step into Love and really seeing our child with curious eyes and a willingness to step inside their world.


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