
Getting Off the Hamster Wheel with June Farahan

In this testimonial conversation that I share with June Farahan, a mom, she shares her experience navigating the medical and educational industrial complexes for a year (the year her child was between the ages of 2 and 3) that pulled her into the depths of despair convincing her that her child had a problem, that his development was "delayed".

Through her research of all the factors the medical professionals were advising, engaging in some of them and actually seeing that they were, in fact, not beneficial in any way to her son's development, and he was having such an intense negative reaction to the therapies, she decided to hit the PAUSE button and stopped participating in the hamster wheel of negativity and fear. When she did that, her head began to clear and she was able to reverse her perception of her son from one with a critical eye to seeing him through the lens of unconditional love. Seeing him as the little human in front of her with his very own unique gifts and capacities. And now, without any medical or authoritarian interventions, her son is thriving. She shares her story here in the hopes of helping other families who have been made to feel helpless and hopeless. She continues to share her experience and research via her substack articles.


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