We’ve Only Just Begun
On the rollercoaster ride we call motherhood. What a wild ride it is to be a woman on this journey. It is incredibly empowering to carry and nurture a full being inside our bodies and so humbling as we birth this living being into full existence.
That is only the beginning. How do we unpack everything that is this journey of motherhood? Let’s not jump so far ahead. We only need to stay in the present at any given moment. We only need to look to Mother Nature to understand what mothering could look like. She doesn’t push, she doesn’t prod and she definitely doesn’t hurry. She lovingly supports the full manifestation of all her children in whatever form they choose.
Isn’t that the work? How do we move out from under our own conditioning so that we can be fully present for our children and support them without putting upon them our own insecurities?
It helps when we have our tribe. Our own support system that we can lean into at every stage. Wild Mother Collective was created to be just that support system - a place to collaborate, co-create and connect. Between Michelle Linden and Emily Palmer, the founders of Wild Mother Collective, they have the tools to support all walks of womanhood. And, in a collective of mothers, there is wisdom to be shared from all perspectives. Learn more from our interview here.