The Truth About Developmental Milestones - A Guide for our New Earth Children

Finally! Someone who has spent 20+ years working with children as a pediatric occupational therapist has recognized the detrimental effect mainstream developmental milestone measurements have been having on our children and the adults that nurture them. And, she’s done something about that and now it’s time for us all to take the reins, as well, and activate this new consciousness. Buy the Guide here.

Alison Elsberry, a gifted healer, CranioSacral Therapist and has worked 20+ years as a pediatric occupational therapist has released a new guide titled The Truth About Developmental Milestones: A New Earth Guide to Nurture Your Child’s Bodily Freedom and Brilliance.

She is guided by the Love and wisdom of the Divine Mother Mary to launch this first part of The Guide which will eventually become a freestanding, published book. For now, we get an easily digestible 13-page eGuide with audio files included. Think of this guide as a multi-day guided meditation (to embark on at your own pace) that will open your eyes as to why the linear, timeline-based developmental milestones so commonly shared in the mainstream are not serving us as parents or individuals ushering in these New Earth children. There is so much more to the unfolding of our beautiful little beings.

“Everything that you’ve been led to believe to be true about their body and how they develop, is about to change.” - Learn more about the guide here.

In our interview, Alison and I discuss how the mainstream developmental milestones tend to create a mechanistic view of our children, can lead to fear-based thinking and how that affects our consciousness as parents. Jump to minute 28 to listen to Alison’s heartbreaking story that was essentially the straw that broke the camel’s back in her career as a pediatric occupational therapist and inspired her to create a whole new paradigm of child development and teaching parents how to support their children to really connect with and honor their bodies as sacred. And, we all know that true health begins with honoring our bodies so let’s get them started from birth!

Learn more about Alison and her offerings here.


Nurturing Our Body Relationship with Erika Wirth


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