Nurturing Our Body Relationship with Erika Wirth

After years of battling an eating disorder, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, GI dysfunction and the inability to experience pleasure, Erika Wirth finally turned away from a “power over” relationship with her body (always trying to beat her body into submission) to one of listening and responding. She moved from asking questions like “What is wrong with me?” to asking questions like “Body, what do you need today to feel safe?” In her words, 

“Instead of looking at health as a separate part of my life, I saw for the first time that true healing flows from integration of mind, body, and spirit. I discovered that the root of my eating disorder wasn’t food. Rather, it was a broken relationship with my body and a lack of emotional resources to navigate adversity in childhood.”

Now, she helps others to connect deeply with their bodies; creating healthy relationships that can have a positive effect on the health of external relationships as well. She’s created a Body Partnership approach to healing that includes three key aspects: Embrace the body as friend, Ancestral and medicinal eating and Mitigating stress strategies.

We dive into all this in our interview here.

Erika also covers a lot of her journey and interviews guides that have helped her along her way on her podcast here.


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