MAGICK: The relationship between focused will and Universal Energy
This is our last post of year, it seems fitting that we would like to remind everyone that we are all MAGIC and we are everything we will ever need.
We often think of magic as something otherworldly, something learned. Some might even think of magic as hogwash. But, in actuality magic is within us. It IS us. The above definition is taken from Jamie Della’s book The Book of Spells. Check out her video here to learn more about Jamie and why she spells Magic with a “k”.
The Book of Spells is a wonderful read. While it’s broken down into different “spells”, we enjoyed reading it like a book as it gives self-empowering tips for the different aspects of life as we live it. Why do we love this book? Because basically casting “spells” helps us to remember that we have the power within us to change any situation. That thought pattern is lacking in today’s world as we know it. How refreshing to come back to ourselves.
We recommend this book for adolescents. Adolescence can often be a time of insecurity, especially in our current time. It might seem corny - a “book of spells”..woooo..but what it actually is, is a book of empowerment. Everything that we seek is within us and rituals teach us to go within. The universe conspires with us. Our thoughts matter. You’ve heard the saying “Where our thoughts go, energy flows.” It’s exactly that.
You can purchase the book here. What a great way to start the year!
What’s to be had with a bit of solitude? Jamie Della shares a bewitching perspective in her latest blogpost. Here’s an excerpt:
We are spiritual beings in a human condition shining our light upon the world. There is no competition or hoops to jump through. When we indulge in life’s simplicities and smallest blessings, we will find peace. The connection you yearn for is within yourself.