Somatic Healing and Self Love
From Psychology Today: Somatic therapy is a form of body-centered therapy that looks at the connection of mind and body and uses both psychotherapy and physical therapies for holistic healing
“Somatic” comes from the Greek word “soma” meaning Body. Have y’all been hearing this word in conjunction with therapy and healing a lot lately? Somatic healing, somatic therapies. I have so I’ve been seeking out Somatic Healing facilitators to dive in a little bit more. My first interview is with Anna Demouchet, CDFA® (who, as a sidebar, happens to be a conscious uncoupling facilitator, but more on that in a separate interview) who experienced a “breaking open” and deep healing from somatic therapy work herself and so is now wanting to share it with the world. So grateful that she offers this free workshop to encourage people to connect with their bodies.
“Here I am, feeling this way.”
In our interview, Anna Demouchet references Matt Kahn’s book, “Whatever Arises, Love That” and shares the above quote that reminds us how we can have grace with ourselves when our nervous systems are dis-regulated. It’s recognizing that sometimes, these outbursts are our body’s protection mechanism and we can love and express love for ourselves in those moments when our actions are less than exemplary.
Y’all are in luck!! Anna will be launching a Somatic Healing & Self Love Intensive class soon. All Perfect Child subscribers will enjoy a 33% discount using the code: PERFECT. In the meantime, sign up for her FREE WORKSHOP to get on her mailing list so you don’t miss the announcement for the intensive. The free workshop is a short, but powerful sampler. The Intensive class will lead you into a deeper dive of all that is possible when we connect with our bodies.
“This is amazing work. Anna holds an integrity that is strong and contagious. I was gifted to be able to work with her and go into deeper inner healing…quite literally leaving space to be in the new energy we are so blessed to be here now and experience!” - Amy H.
“In the last 2 weeks, I’ve been working with Anna and am so grateful for the tools and space Anna has given me so that I can begin this journey of inner healing…this work has been some of the most profound of my life, unlocking and exposing my deepest traumas and bringing healing, acceptance, love, joy, wholeness and connectedness to my being.” - Nik M.
Maybe you don’t want to wait for the Intensive because you just cannot wait to rediscover yourself and your magic. Jump over to Anna’s website to schedule a discovery call. Your body thanks you.