MindBody Curriculum for Middle and High School
Currently, in our society, for adolescence, there is a lot of emphasis on nutrition, grades, getting into a good college. From the teens themselves, there is emphasis on “fitting in”, wearing the right clothes, being “cool”. There is not enough emphasis on the internal space - emotions, feelings - which, if not dealt with can lead to both emotional and physical health conditions.
Dr. David Schechter, M.D. has been working with adults, helping to reverse their chronic pain for decades. Because he has seen how the root cause of these ailments often start in adolescence, he wants to reach our teens to help them learn how to recognize and move through stressors to prevent chronic pain in later life. We talk about adolescence and stress management here.
His workbook “The Mindbody Workbook for Teens” includes a series of writing exercises to help teens work through their emotions in a safe, contained space (in the pages of their workbook). Studies have shown that journaling is a very effective tool to reduce stress. This workbook would provide the outline for, what one could hope, would become a lifelong practice thereby reducing potential for chronic pain in later life.
This workbook is appropriate for kids 12-18 years old. Dr. Schechter has also created a curriculum to be used in schools. Be the change! Contact your school today with this link and encourage them to bring this mindfulness curriculum into their program.